-The Hindu With little cash in hand, small traders and shopkeepers are unable to keep their businesses running Surendar’s move from Bihar to Perambalur in the heart of Tamil Nadu in search of a livelihood has turned sour over the past few days. A school dropout, Surendar, who made a living selling pani-poori from a cart in this town, has seen his business plummet since the November 8 demonetisation announcement. “Everyone brings...
After Sikkim, kerala, Himachal, These 4 States To Be Open Defecation Free
-NDTV New Delhi: Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS) on Friday said that three states had become Open Defecation Free (ODF) while four more state were expected to achieve the status by March next year. Parameswaran Iyer, Secretary for MDWS, said: “After Sikkim became the first state, Himachal Pradesh and kerala were declared ODF states recently. We are anticipating four more states — Haryana, Uttarakhand, Gujarat and Punjab to achieve the...
More »Share of Muslims in jail bigger than in the population, show NCRB data -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Indian Express In Maharashtra, roughly every tenth person is Muslim, as opposed to almost every third inmate in its prisons. Muslims make up 15.8% of all convicts and 20.9% of all undertrials in jails across the country. This is higher than their share in the country’s population, which is 14.2%. But in some states, this gap is far wider. According to latest data on prisons by the National Crime Records Bureau...
More »Drought In kerala: Reservoirs Half Empty, Deficit Rainfall -Sneha Mary Koshy
-NDTV In Wayanad, many farmers have started using sprinklers to irrigate his crops. Paddy cultivator KP John said he has been forced to adopt it due to scarcity of water for irrigation. State Revenue Minister E Chandrasekharan declared kerala a drought hit state on Monday in the Assembly. Most of the water reservoirs across the state have recorded a water deficit of 50 per cent. The South West monsoon has been deficit...
More »kerala declared drought-hit; water level in dams falls by 40 per cent
-Down to Earth All the 14 districts of the state are facing severe water scarcity The kerala government today declared drought in all the 14 districts of the state after experiencing a sharp dip in rainfall during the southwest monsoon. The districts are facing severe water scarcity. While making the announcement in the state assembly, the Minister for Revenue, E Chandrasekharan, said that even 100 per cent rain over the next...
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