In the ninth year of his 10-year term in Tihar, 25-year-old Anil is savouring a taste of what life might soon be for him. Between 11 am and 6 pm, Anil is free — free to roam around the 450-acre prison complex and work at Tihar Haat, to enter which he actually steps out of the prison gate. Anil is one of two prisoners made a part of Tihar’s semi-open jail...
Global food prices remain unchanged in March
-PTI World food prices remained almost same in March from their levels in February due to stable prices in most commodities and decline in dairy prices, United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation said. "World food prices in March remained virtually unchanged from their February levels," Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said in a statement. Amongst various commodity groups, only oil prices showed strength, compensating for falling dairy quotations, while the indices of cereals,...
More »Planning Commission’s Poverty Charade
-Economic and Political Weekly Yojana Bhavan never seems to know how to count India’s poor That the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government can on occasion after occasion mishandle a situation and also show insensitivity has been in evidence once again in its handling of the poverty figures estimated from the 66th (2009-10) round of the National Sample Survey (NSS). Although the Planning Commission’s estimates, as measured by the Tendulkar methodology, declined sharply...
More »Madhya Pradesh first state to ban gutkha by Suchandana Gupta
Madhya Pradesh cancelled licences of seven 'gutkha' companies and banned its manufacture and sale in the state from April 1. MP is the first state in the country to ban tobacco, magnesium carbonate and nicotine-based 'gutkha' following provisions of the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restriction on Sales) Regulation 2011. Health minister and government spokesman Narottam Mishra said gutkha manufacturing licences in the state will not be renewed. "Gutkha makers...
More »Now, consumers junk Centre for Science and Environment report-Ratna Bhushan & Sarah Jacob
Fast-food chains McDonald's and KFC, and packaged food brands like Lay's chips and Maggi noodles reported normal sales this weekend, despite a study on Friday alleging high levels of trans-fat, sugar and salts in their food on Friday. Analysts say it is natural for consumers of chips, burgers and noodles to ignore Centre for Science and Environment's warning because they know what they are getting into when they consume chips and...
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