-Outlook The government today cut Rs 79,790 crore from the budgeted Plan expenditure of Rs 5,55,532 crore for the current financial year against the backdrop of a burgeoning fiscal deficit. The Interim Budget 2014-15, presented by Finance Minister P Chidambaram in Parliament, projected revised estimates of the Plan expenditure at Rs 4,75,532 crore for 2013-14. For the next financial year starting April 1, the government has kept the the Budget Estimates of Plan...
Govt Pegs Subsidy Bill Marginally Higher at Rs 2,46,397 Cr
-Outlook As government seeks to roll out the food law, Finance Minister P Chidambaram today sought to raise total subsidies on Fuel, food and fertilisers marginally to over Rs 2.46 lakh crore in the 2014-15 fiscal. Government has increased the food subsidy by a whopping Rs 23,000 crore to Rs 1,15,000 crore for 2014-15 fiscal mainly for implementation of the National Food Security law. According to the interim Budget proposals, subsidy bill on...
More »Spending on subsidies surged, education and health lagged during 10 years of UPA -Sidhartha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: When finance minister P Chidambaram presents his first interim budget on Monday, he is expected to devote a significant chunk of his speech - which may be between 12 and 18 pages - to UPA government's spending on social sector schemes, especially health, education and rural development. But what is probably going to slip through is the fact that these sectors actually witnessed a comparatively...
More »India becomes first country to adopt an agroforestry policy -Jitendra
-Down to Earth Four-day world congress on agroforestry in Delhi pushes for accelerating growing trees on farms for sustainable agriculture and mitigating climate change impacts In what is seen as a ground-breaking move, India has become the first nation in the world to adopt an agroforestry policy. The National Agroforestry Policy, which deals with the practice of integrating trees, crops and livestock on the same plot of land, was launched February 10,...
More »E-Rickshaws Soon on Kolkata Streets
-Outlook Kolkata: Providing a cheaper and eco-friendly alternative to auto-rickshaws, new e-rickshaws which runs on electric batteries was launched here today. Categorised in between a pedal rickshaw and an auto-rickshaw, the battery-operated e-rickshaws can run upto a speed of 25 km per hour and can accommodate around 4-5 passengers. "It is a zero emission vehicle and while running the engine produces no sound," Zafar Faridi, CEO of Dianzi rickshaw, told reporters after the...
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