-The Indian Express In the commercial vehicles section, sales of Tata Motors, the largest commercial vehicle maker, fell by almost half as against August 2018. Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M), the second-largest manufacturer, posted a 28 per cent decline. The slowdown in the auto sector has worsened, with leading car manufacturers posting up to a 50 per cent drop in sales for August 2019 as against the corresponding month last year. Sales...
The importance of government schools in India
-The Indian Express What can government schools do? Make democracy work. If you are reading this piece, it is likely your child goes to an English-medium private school. Did the possibility of a government school occur to you? Did you consider it before deciding on the private school? When I pose this question to my friends, this is the usual refrain: “But they are of such poor quality, insufficient classrooms, inadequate teachers....
More »TERI to study impact of climate change on farm sector -Shobha Roy
-The Hindu Business Line Kolkata: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) is looking at undertaking a study on the impact of climate change and sustainability on the agriculture sector in India and come out with probable solutions to address these. According to Ajay Mathur, Director-General of TERI, there is a need to take a re-look at the cropping pattern adopted by various States keeping in mind the way climate change is impacting...
More »Assam NRC-excluded are not 'stateless', says External Affairs Ministry -Kallol Bhattacherjee
-The Hindu Ministry says those not in NRC will not be detained and will enjoy all rights New Delhi: Individuals excluded from the final list of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam will not become stateless and will continue to enjoy equal rights available to all Indians, Raveesh Kumar, official spokesperson of the External Affairs Ministry, said on Sunday. Mr. Kumar declared that the implementation of the NRC process would be...
More »How should students react when a minister makes a big deal of fake history
-The Telegraph The Union HRD minister says the Himalaya protects India from pollution, while Himalayan states struggle with trash Why did the students clap? That is, why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side obviously. Like the students at the 65th convocation of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, who were subjected to the priceless nuggets of knowledge that dropped from the lips of the Union human...
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