-The Hindu In all the States belonging to the Hindi heartland, less than one per cent of Hindus eat beef/buffalo meat. The number of Indians eating beef and buffalo meat went up from 7.51 crore in 1999-2000 to 8.35 crore in 2011-12 while the total household consumption of beef/buffalo meat went down from 4.44 crore kg per month to 3.67 crore kg in the same time period. These findings come from National Sample...
How Tamil Nadu fell in line on Food Security Act -T Ramakrishnan
-The Hindu “State government will combine the Act’s essential provisions with some of its traditional practices” Chennai: The Tamil Nadu government had faced Hobson’s choice before it decided to implement the National Food Security Act (NFSA). A few weeks ago, the government was administered a shock when it got a letter from the Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, stating that with effect from November, the State would no...
More »TN to implement Food Security Act
-The Hindu CHENNAI: There will be no change in the government’s policy of universal public distribution system. Shedding its three-year-long reservations over the National Food Security Act (NFSA), the Tamil Nadu government on Thursday announced that it would implement the Act, effective November 1. There will be no change in the government’s policy of universal public distribution system. Also, the scheme of free distribution of rice to about 1.92 crore rice-drawing family (ration) cards...
More »Policy disaster -Reetika Khera
-Frontline.in The PDS, the ICDS and the MDM schemes constitute lifelines for a vast majority of the population. Maternity entitlements need to be seen both as a right for women and as instruments in the battle against undernutrition. A government that ignores or undermines them does so at its own peril. THE GLOBAL HUNGER INDEX 2016 puts India at 97 out of 118 countries. The release of these numbers is great...
More »e-NAM - a long way to go -Rajalakshmi Nirmal
-The Hindu Business Line The electronic-National Agriculture Market is a sound idea but implementation is at a nascent stage Farmers in Telangana staged a protest last Monday, demanding discontinuation of the electronic-national agriculture market (e-NAM) platform and restoration of the previous platform provided by NCDEX e-Markets. It followed the failure of the software to accommodate the heavy volumes of the peak season arrivals, beginning with maize and soyabean. The Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee (APMC)...
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