-PTI Castigates the company for fraudulent practices in winning an aided project in Tamil Nadu The World Bank has barred Larsen & Toubro (L&T) from doing any business with it or the projects funded by it for six months, after finding that a senior executive of the conglomerate has indulged in fraud. The debarment will continue till September 6, making L&T ineligible for being awarded contracts for any World Bank-funded projects, from receiving...
The taxman is watching, says FinMin-Remya Nair
-Live Mint Govt reiterates it will crack down hard on tax evaders, defends steps introduced in Finance Bill to check evasion The government on Tuesday reiterated its intention to crack down hard on tax evaders and defended some of the stringent provisions introduced in the Finance Bill last week to check evasion, including granting wider powers of arrest to taxmen and making certain offences non-bailable. Finance minister P. Chidambaram, in his budget speech...
More »Budget 2013: UIDAI's plan spending doubled to Rs 2,620 cr in 2013-14
-PTI The Plan spending of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), responsible for issuing Aadhaar numbers to residents, has been almost doubled to Rs 2,620 crore in 2013-14 from the revised estimates in the current fiscal. The authority's revised estimates of Plan expenditure in the current fiscal stands at Rs 1,350 crore compared to the budget estimates of Rs 1,758 crore. The actual Plan expenditure of the authority was 1,187.53 crore in...
More »A walk on the wild side
-The Economist Government borrowing generates inflation, widens the external deficit and crowds out much-needed investment. Can India now overcome its debt addiction? INDIA has grappled with its public finances for long enough. When presenting its first budget after independence in 1947, the finance minister of the day insisted that the country was not living beyond its means. Yet every budget since has failed to produce a surplus. India borrows more heavily...
More »Budget 2013-14: Rs. 1,000 crore each for women, youth funds
-The Hindu "To the women of India - we have a collective responsibility to ensure the dignity and safety of women. Recent incidents have cast a long dark shadow on our credentials. As more women enter public spaces...there are more reports of violence against them. We stand in solidarity with our girl children. We pledge to everything possible to keep them swcure. A number of measures are in the works...
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