-The Indian Express The Central government has fixed the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of wheat at Rs 1975 per quintal, hiking it by Rs 50 from last year’s Rs 1925 per quintal. Chandigarh: Ahead of the wheat procurement that starts from April 10 in the state, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Monday cleared a sum of Rs 21,658.73 crore towards Cash Credit Limit (CCL) up to end April, 2021 for...
Reading KN Raj in the Age of Free Market Fundamentalism -Mihir Shah
-Economic and Political Weekly This article tries to assess how KN Raj would have weighed in on some of the major contemporary issues like the trade policy, farm crisis and reprivatisation of public sector Banks on the basis of his many writings. It also highlights his views on the fundamental orientation that an academic discipline like economics needs to have for contemporary social relevance. Please click here to access the full article. ...
More »‘Corruption first, citizenship later’: Why CAA is having little impact on the Bengal elections -Shoaib Daniyal
-Scroll.in Everyday politics dominates the discourse amongst the state’s large population of Hindu Bangladeshi migrants. “Has anyone ever thought of us here?” said 64-year old Mohadev Majumdar. “We got tortured there. And are now having to beg here. What will CAA do? We don’t have hope from any party.” In 1971, a teenaged Majumdar fled what was then East Pakistan after his father was shot dead by the army. While technically India closed...
More »Behind the politics battle, West Bengal’s slowdown economics -Sandeep Singh and Sunny Verma
-The Indian Express The anti-incumbency Banerjee faces is as much about local-level corruption and competing ideologies as it is about stalled industrialisation, weak credit growth, a near-freeze in new jobs, low infrastructure development and agriculture spend. AS West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee fights perhaps her most significant electoral battle, framing her contest is not just BJP vs Trinamool politics — but the state’s economics as well. The anti-incumbency Banerjee faces is as...
More »India moves to deport 14-year-old Rohingya girl but Myanmar refuses
-Scroll.in The teenager had requested to be sent to Bangladesh instead of Myanmar as her parents lived there. Myanmar on Thursday refused to allow entry to a 14-year-old Rohingya girl who was taken to a border town for deportation by Indian authorities, citing inappropriate circumstances, the Hindustan Times reported. Had the process been completed, the girl would have been the first Rohingya national to be deported after the Myanmar military staged a coup...
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