Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today pledged Rs 300 crore to farmers to make Bharatiya Kisan Union (Rajewal) President Balbir Singh Rajewal accept a glass of juice to end his five-day hunger strike in Mohali. Addressing a joint press conference along with Rajewal, the Chief Minister said the Rs 300 crore would compensate farmers for the diesel used by them to grow paddy last year in near-drought conditions. The Rs...
Putting the smallest first
VISHAL, the son of a farm labourer in the west Indian state of Maharashtra, is almost four. He should weigh around 16kg (35lb). But scooping him up from the floor costs his nursery teacher, a frail woman in a faded sari, little effort. She slips Vishal’s scrawny legs through two holes cut in the corners of a cloth sack, which she hooks to a weighing scale. The needle stops at...
More »Future value of land in note to Sonia panel by Radhika Ramaseshan
The Sonia Gandhi-headed National Advisory Council is getting ready with its version of what the proposed land acquisition law and the accompanying rehabilitation and resettlement law should be. The Bills are scheduled to be introduced in the winter session of Parliament after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s assurance to Rahul Gandhi. A note drafted by advisory council member N.C. Saxena, which was handed over to panel members when they last met in August,...
More »Farmers from across state join indefinite strike
Mohali/Chandigarh: *Govt refuses to give into concession demands*Deputy CM says demands unjustified*Balbir Singh Rajewal sits on hunger strike Even as the farmers from across the state on Monday launched an indefinite agitation to mount pressure on the state government to accept their demands — for a financial package to farmers and waiver of electricity Bills—¿ the Punjab government refused to accept any of them. Hundreds of farmers from across the state descended...
More »Punjab cabinet approves productivity bonus for farmers
The Punjab government today decided to pay to the farmers the productivity bonus in lieu of the electricity Bills paid by them for running agriculture pump sets. The decision was taken at a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal. The amount equal to the electricity Bills paid by the farmers would be given to them as productivity bonus, an official spokesman said here. This decision has been...
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