-The Hindu Camp after camp has been forced to disappear in Muzaffarnagar by the official authorities. The people displaced by the communal riots are now in small shanty settlements, 10 tents here, another 10 tents half a kilometre down the road On December 26, 2013, a large group of visitors entered the Loi relief camp in Muzaffarnagar district, Uttar Pradesh. Loi camp - a festering sea of displaced and despairing humanity, with...
MHA readies Cabinet note to remove Ganguly from WBHRC -Pranab Dhal Samanta
-The Indian Express The home ministry has moved a Cabinet note to make a Presidential reference to the Supreme Court in the Justice A K Ganguly sexual misconduct case, setting into motion the process to remove the former Supreme Court judge from the post of West Bengal Human Rights Commission chairman. The MHA, it is reliably learnt, armed with the legal opinion of Attorney General G E Vahanvati, sent its proposal Friday...
More »Why food prices stay up-Mayank Mishra & Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-The Business Standard The Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee law allows mandis to remain in the grip of a middlemen cartel, with clear links to politicians who run the governments Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi has, in effect, told chief ministers of party-ruled states that if food inflation is to be controlled, as many items as possible must be got out of the purview of the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) Act. For the time...
More »'Civil society recommends rejection of Parliamentary Committee report on amendment of RTI Act'
-Association for Democratic Reforms Press Release New Delhi: The amendment made in the RTI Act by the Parliament that proposed to keep political parties outside its ambit has been approved by the Parliamentary Committee, entrusted with the task of reviewing it despite much opposition from civil society organizations and citizens. In a landmark decision on June 3, 2013, the Central Information Commission (CIC) pronounced that the political parties (INC, BJP, CPM,...
More »Rivulet resurrected in 45 days -Jitendra
-Down to Earth Thousands of people working under NREGS bring a 38 km stream back from the dead in Uttar Pradesh Thirty nine-year-old Ram Ishwar gave up farming to pull a rickshaw outside the railway station in Uttar Pradesh's Fatehpur town. He says scarcity of water and a resultant increase in the cost of irrigation rendered farming unprofitable. Wheat production from his 0.4 hectare (ha) farmland shrank from one tonne to half...
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