-IANS Goa's illegal mining scandal is worth Rs10,000 crore ($2 billion), former deputy chief minister of Goa and Congress legislator Dayanand Narvekar on Saturday told the Justice MB Shah commission probing the scam. Narvekar, who was a cabinet minister in Chief Minister Digambar Kamat's Congress-led government until a couple of years ago, also told Shah during a public hearing at the state secretariat that constant complaints in writing to the state chief...
RTE lapse to cost State dearly by Prakash Kumar
Failure to notify rules under the Act will deprive it of Central funds The Centre has warned Karnataka and several other states that their failure to notify rules for implementation of the Right to Education Act (RTE) would cost it funding for opening of new schools in the State under Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA). If RTE rules were not notified soon, the Ministry of Human Resource Development will also deny the states...
More »Flowing The Way Of Their Money by Lola Nayar
Do agencies like the Ford Foundation push their own agenda through the NGOs they support? It’s often said, tongue in cheek, that India’s “shadow” government works out of the nondescript, low-slung buildings abutting the Lodhi Garden in Delhi. That’s partly hubris, but it also stems from being close to the centre of power. This rarefied zone houses powerful “cultural” institutions like the India International Centre, as well as a host...
More »Bengal opposes riot bill by Archis Mohan and Arnab Ganguly
Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamul Congress today expressed “serious objections” to the proposed bill against communal violence, saying the current draft undermined the country’s federal structure. The BJP said it would intensify its campaign against the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Regulations) Bill, 2011, emboldened by the objections of other non-Congress parties, although none backed its pet “bias against Hindus” line. ( ) Mamata did not attend the National...
More »The PDS in Rural Orissa: Against the Grain? by Ankita Aggarwal
A report from a sample survey of the functioning of the public distribution system in 12 villages in two districts in Orissa, a state usually associated with a poor PDS. While there are errors in exclusion and inclusion of households covered, there has been a vast improvement in operation of the PDS; below the poverty line households seem to be receiving their entitlements. The households also express a strong preference...
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