-The Telegraph Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa today joined the chorus against the entry of foreign capital in multi-brand retail, saying the Centre’s decision that smacked of “overweening arrogance” would affect the livelihood of millions of small-time Traders. In Delhi, the under-fire UPA brought out a full-page ad in newspapers that said the move would “generate 10 million new jobs” contrary to the “mistaken belief” that it would result in widespread unemployment. The...
Government firm on FDI in retail, may at best defer decision by Smita Gupta
The United Progressive Alliance government appeared determined on Monday not to roll back its decision to permit foreign direct investment (FDI) in the multi-brand retail sector, despite intense pressure from allies and the Opposition alike, not to mention the Congress' Uttar Pradesh unit which faces an uphill task in next year's Assembly polls. At best, sources said, the government might postpone a decision on its implementation by referring it to an...
More »India to open market to global supermarket chains
India has approved long-awaited proposals to open up the retail market to global supermarket chains. Food Minister KV Thomas said the cabinet has agreed to 51% foreign ownership of multi-brand retail stores, allowing groups like Wal-Mart and Tesco to open stores. Such operators currently can only sell wholesale in India and not directly to customers. A decision on the issue has been pending for two years. Mr Thomas told reporters that the cabinet decided...
More »BJP warns of FDI protests
-The Telegraph The BJP has slammed the Centre’s move to allow FDI in multi-brand retail, alleging this would destroy self-employment, create monopolies, facilitate foreign takeover of farming units and impair local manufacturing. Sources in the BJP, which has a following among small and medium Traders who own the most of the mom-and-pop “kirana” shops, warned that this section would start an agitation as the Centre’s decision amounted to the “Wal-Martisation” of India. The...
More »PM Manmohan Singh got past a split cabinet to push retail FDI by Shekhar Iyer
It wasn't just a vocal opposition that was against the Cabinet's decision to allow 51% foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail business. The cabinet itself was split down the middle, which had an animated — even heated — debate on the pros and cons of opening up a sector that was so far considered politically too sensitive for farmers, small Traders and consumers. Finally it took the prime minister to...
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