-The Hindu The Tamil Nadu Cabinet on Thursday passed a resolution urging the Centre to halt the work on the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) until the fears of local population over the safety of the plants are allayed. The Cabinet resolution was in line with the assurance given by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to the anti-Kudankulam protesters on Wednesday, when their representatives called on her. ‘Struggle to continue' Tirunelveli Staff Reporter adds: Though the 12-day...
Tamil Nadu Assembly will seek suspension of Kudankulam work
-The Hindu Tamil Nadu Chief Minster Jayalalithaa on Wednesday announced that the State Cabinet would adopt a resolution seeking suspension of work on the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP), prompting antagonists of the plant to declare withdrawal of their 11-day fast. Ms. Jayalalithaa, who met representatives of the protesters at the Secretariat for nearly an hour, told them that the Cabinet would meet on Thursday and adopt a resolution calling for the...
More »The Union Cabinet gets healthier by P Sainath
The worse off the poor become, the healthier our Ministers get. Air India might not be doing as well we'd like it to. But the braveheart who flew it fearlessly into dense clouds of debt is doing okay. Praful Patel (who no longer holds the aviation portfolio) added, on average, over half a million rupees every day to his assets in 28 months between May 2009 and August 2011. This might...
More »Accent on safety by R Ramachandran
The Nuclear Safety Regulatory Authority Bill is a first step towards granting functional autonomy to the country's nuclear regulator. THE true independence and functional autonomy of the existing Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) has been questioned for long. The issue gained further importance in recent months after it was raised in many quarters in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March in Japan. To allay public fears as...
More »Storm brews over land deal, big dam
-The Telegraph It was a stormy homecoming for chief minister Tarun Gogoi with members of the All Assam Students’ Union waving black flags and Opposition parties raising the pitch against the Indo-Bangla land-swap deal. From the AASU to former chief minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta to the All India United Democratic Front, everyone went after the three-time chief minister for having allegedly sold out the interests of Assam vis-à-vis the land deal as...
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