Tamil Nadu chief minister J. Jayalalithaa, who had recommended the suspension of operations at the Koodankulam nuclear power plant until people’s concerns had been allayed, said on Monday that work on the plant should resume immediately. The state cabinet based its decision on a report submitted last month by an expert committee that gave the project the all-clear, she said. “As per the state cabinet consensus, I (order) that the process for...
Package includes facilities for repair of boats, cold storage
-The Hindu Chief Minister dwells on findings of experts' panel The State government's Rs.500-crore package for infrastructure development in Kudankulam consists of facilities for repairs of mechanised boats of fishermen and fish cold storage, according to Chief Minister Jayalalithaa. Announcing the State government's decision on the resumption of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNNP) in a five-page statement, Ms. Jayalalithaa stated that the package also included housing and road infrastructure improvement. She gave an...
More »'Maoists irked by Italians taking objectionable pictures of tribals'-Sandeep Mishra & Vishwa Mohan
In the first instance of Maoists targeting foreigners, two Italian tourists were abducted in the forests bordering Orissa's Kandhamal-Ganjam districts. The kidnapping came to light late on Saturday night after the Maoists released two men abducted along with the Italians, Bosusco Paolo and Claudio Colangelo. The Maoists claim the four were kidnapped on March 14. This came to light only after the release of Sontosh Moharana and Kartik Parida with audio...
More »Jayalalithaa govt gives go ahead to Kudankulam nuclear plant
-PTI Seeking to end the impasse over the Kudankulam nuclear plant issue, the Jayalalilthaa government in Tamil Nadu on Monday gave the go ahead to the controversial project and announced a Rs 500 crore special development package for the area where it is located. "In accordance with (today's) cabinet decision, immediate steps will be taken (to facilitate commissioning) of the plant," chief minister Jayalalithaa said in a statement, breaking her silence over...
More »Retail inflation at 8.83 per cent in February
-PTI Retail inflation was at 8.83 per cent in February on account of higher prices of protein based items and edible oil products. Retail inflation, based on the Consumer Price Index, was 7.65 per cent the January, as per the government data release here today. Among other items, only vegetable prices saw a decline of 4.73 per cent over the February 2011 level. During the month, the prices of egg, meat and fish rose...
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