-The Hindu The World Bank said on Tuesday that the spike in ‘unmet demand’ for MGNREGA jobs is an indicator of increasing rural distress. Since the scheme is the only and therefore the best bet India has for mitigating the impact on the poor of the recent unseasonal rains, the government should take steps aimed at arresting delays in wage payments and the rising unmet demand for jobs. “If you are a...
Kissa kisan ka - Evading blame for rural distress -Sreenivasan Jain
-Business Standard Events after a farmer's suicide at an AAP rally encapsulate the state of public discourse on Indian agriculture The spectacle of political one-upmanship, blame, hyperbole (and even some Filmfare-worthy expressions of grief) triggered by the suicide of Gajendra Singh, a young man from Rajasthan at an Aam Aadmi Party rally in New Delhi, perfectly encapsulates the state of public discourse on Indian agriculture today. The discovery that his may not...
More »The inclusion project -Shamika Ravi
-The Indian Express A little more than a week ago, World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for launching the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), which he called an “extraordinary effort” at financial inclusion. According to the Union finance ministry, India has attained 99 per cent financial inclusion, measured as households’ access to bank accounts. Within three months of launching the PMJDY, the government entered the Guinness...
More »Challenge of agrarian distress
-The Hindu Everything else can wait but agriculture cannot, said Jawaharlal Nehru. This should have been the talisman for India’s progress. Yet, successive governments have failed to accord agriculture the priority it deserves. The tragic suicide of a farmer during an Aam Aadmi Party rally in New Delhi has brought to the fore the agrarian crisis facing India. Official records reveal that more than 2.96 lakh farmers have ended their lives...
More »Why RBI had to protect small farmers -Ravi Krishnan
-Livemint.com The RBI norms towards targeted marginal lending for the small farmer is a structural solution to aid them—unlike bailout packages, which provide only short-term relief In its latest overhaul of priority sector lending rules, the central bank has stipulated that lenders should funnel at least 8% of their credit to small and marginal farmers. While the overall agriculture loan growth has galloped over the past decade, the chart shows why...
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