-Express News Service Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Arun Jaitley on Saturday said his party has told activist Anna Hazare’s camp that proper safeguards must be put in if the Prime Minister were to be brought under the ambit of the proposed Lokpal. Jaitley said the BJP has refused to accept Hazare camp’s demand to include the Prime Minister unconditionally, saying a lot of conditions and safeguards are required so that...
Lokpal Bill may be tabled in Lok Sabha on Tuesday
-The Hindu The Union Cabinet is likely to meet either on December 18 or 19 after the return of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh from Russia to take a call on the contentious issues related to the Lokpal Bill on the basis of inputs given by the Parliamentary Standing Committee and the all-party meet on Wednesday night. According to Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal, the government intends to move the Bill in...
More »Undermining Parliament
-EPW The ruling party and the opposition have become partners in the crime of destroying Parliament. The first nine days of the winter session of Parliament were completely lost due to repeated disruption of the house and adjournments. Most of the blame can be put at the door of the opposition parties which seem to have taken a decision not to allow the smooth functioning of Parliament, though some ruling party members...
More »Opposition stalls Copyright Bill in Rajya Sabha by Gargi Parsai
The Opposition on Tuesday prevented Union Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal from moving the Copyright (Amendment) Bill, 2010, in the Rajya Sabha, claiming it had a “conflict of interest”. As the Opposition members continued to press their “point of order”, quoting rules to prevent the Minister from tabling the Bill, the House was adjourned twice during the day. Even before the Minister could move the Bill, Janata Dal (United) leader Shivanand...
More »Cabinet approves three anti-corruption Bills by Sangeeta Singh & Anuja
Bills aimed at making judges, public utilities more accountable, and protecting whistleblowers The Union Cabinet on Tuesday cleared three crucial anti-graft Bills aimed at making judges and public utilities more accountable and protecting whistleblowers. The Bills come at a time when the government is being attacked by both the opposition and anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare and his team. Analysts are doubtful about the intentions of the Congress party-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA). The...
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