-The Hindu Business Line In Uttar Pradesh, women find their calling in rearing small livestock The ten women’s Self Help Groups (SHGs) or samoohs of Naithu village of Badaun, Uttar Pradesh are doing such good business in goat rearing that they call them their ATM cards. The 120 women of these samoohs were not affluent enough to buy buffaloes and cows despite the loans available, so they settled for rearing goats, paying Rs....
First-of-its-kind policy initiative on nutrition and diet launched in Delhi -Shreeshan Venkatesh
-Down to Earth The total health burden arising from poor diet exceeds the combined burden of unsafe sex, alcohol, drug and tobacco use The Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition and the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) jointly launched the South Asian Policy Initiative for Improved Nutrition and Growth (SAPLING), a policy initiative to improve nutrition and diet in South Asian countries, on October 6, in New...
More »Gender equality may help improve food security
-The Hindu Business Line UN study says climate change hits the poor hardest New Delhi: Do women hold the key to dealing with one of the most scorching impacts of climate change — food insecurity. According to a UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs study, titled ‘Climate Change Resilience: An Opportunity for Reducing Inequalities’, eliminating gender inequalities could increase agricultural output by as much as 4 per cent, reducing the number of...
More »Tackling the political issue of onion prices -Milind Murugkar
-Livemint.com No matter which party is ruling, onion farmers will always be the victims of a biased state policy Onion prices have plummeted and onion producers in Maharashtra are in distress. Union minister Nitin Gadkari has appealed to them to diversify their production to avoid a repeat of the situation. Such appeals are unfair. For one, the minister was silent when his government brought down onion prices by restricting exports, and two, thanks...
More »Automation Threatens 69 Per Cent Jobs In India: World Bank
-PTI Washington: Automation threatens 69 per cent of the jobs in India, while 77 per cent in China, according to a World Bank research which has said that technology could fundamentally disrupt the pattern of traditional economic path in developing countries. "As we continue to encourage more Investment in infrastructure to promote growth, we also have to think about the kinds of infrastructure that countries will need in the economy of the...
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