-The Hindu The Chief Justice’s remarks and appeal saw the Prime Minister deliver an unscheduled speech immediately after the former took his seat Breaking down several times in his half-hour speech addressed directly at Prime Minister Narendra Modi present on the dais at the Annual Chief Ministers and Chief Justices Conference on Sunday, Chief Justice of India, Tirath Singh Thakur, launched a scathing Attack on government inaction, squarely blaming the Centre for...
Radio Kisan's betel victory -Biswajit Padhi
-CivilSocietyOnline.com Bhubaneswar: Basanti Bhoi cultivates two gardens of betel leaves all by herself at Dhanahara village in Odisha. A year or two ago, a woman farming betel leaves would have been unthinkable. An age-old tradition barred women from entering betel enclosures. But today women in the district can grow betel leaves and work as labour in a betel garden. It is a social revolution brought about by Radio Kisan, a community radio...
More »Rising elderly population needs a broad-based support system
Although the focus of erstwhile UPA and the present NDA government has been to achieve higher economic growth by reaping the 'demographic dividend', a recent report from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) informs us that a substantial chunk of the population underwent ageing during the last 60 years. The report entitled Elderly in India: Profile and Programmes 2016 from CSO (that comes under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation) shows...
More »Retired judges to tackle pending criminal cases
-PTI CJI T S Thakur said the ad hoc judges will tackle criminal cases where appeals have not been heard for the past five years In a significant step to tackle the mounting number of cases, a conference of chief ministers and chief justices of high courts on Sunday adopted a resolution to invoke a constitutional provision to appoint retired judicial officers as ad-hoc judges. Chief Justice of India (CJI) T S Thakur...
More »Case on Kanhaiya fake videos
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Delhi government has filed a criminal case in the Patiala House courts here against two Hindi channels and one English channel for telecasting videos that have been found to be doctored, a government source said. The channels had telecast videos of JNU students, including Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid and Anirban BhAttacharya, at an event to commemorate Parliament Attack convict Afzal Guru's execution on February 9 on the...
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