-The Hindu It focuses on SECurity, law and order The Union Government has approved the continuation of a police modernisation scheme for five years up to 2025-26 with a financial outlay of ₹26,275 crore. The Union Home Ministry said the scheme includes SECurity-related expenditure in Jammu and Kashmir, northeastern States and Maoist-affected areas, for raising new battalions, developing high-tech forensic laboratories and other investigation tools. The scheme has been approved for the period from...
Public Image of Police in Country Is Negative, Often Seen as Insensitive: Parl Panel
-TheWire.in/ PTI The committee said it is of the considered view that the shift from an entitlement-based approach to a rights-based approach is needed for a positive change in the attitude of police personnel. New Delhi: A parliamentary panel has expressed anguish that the public image of police across the country is negative and police are often seen as insensitive towards the common man and vulnerable SECtions. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry...
More »Claims vs reality: India's bleak job picture -Santosh Mehrotra and Tuhinsubhra Giri
-Deccan Herald Poor pandemic management has added 10 million youth to the ranks of the unemployed in the country India’s GDP growth rate has been slowing consistently since 2016, thanks to consistent economic policy mistakes made by the Union government, starting with demonetisation. It hurt the non-farm unorganised SECtor MSMEs, as it hurt agriculture (third year running, after two years of drought in 2014 and 2015). Between them, these SECtors are responsible for...
More »The many layers of our unemployment problem -Himanshu
-Livemint.com We need long-term solutions as we also have plenty of joblessness that is disguised as employment Last month witnessed protests in several parts of north India by students who had appeared for the Non-Technical Popular Categories exam conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board. This was to fill up 35,000 posts for which 12.5 million candidates had applied. While the RRB’s decision to set up a committee to examine the issue may...
More »The Ailing PM Fasal Bima Yojana Needs a Structural Redesign -Baikunth Roy and Satyendra Kumar
-TheWire.in Despite increasing allocated funds, the Union government has been unable to significantly improve penetration of crop insurance in terms of enrolled farmers and insured areas. India’s agriculture SECtor, which provides employment to more than 50% of the labour force and contributes about 17% of the gross domestic product, currently faces multiple challenges. Smaller land holdings, unfavourable climate changes events, dismal public and private investment, low monthly incomes, a high proportion of...
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