-TheNewsMinute.com One highly criticised Tamil Nadu government scheme was giving colour TV sets to households. While it was derided as a ‘freebie’, research has proved otherwise, write Dharanidharan Sivagnanaselvam and Bethanavel Kuppusamy. In a stratified society such as India trickle down economics do not Work. Even in a society such as the US, which has a much lower stratification compared to India, trickle down economics has not Worked well. Historically, India has...
Nandini Oza, an activist of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), interviewed by Swapna Majumdar (The Hindu)
-The Hindu The archivist and activist on curating the oral history of the Narmada Bachao Andolan and its importance as a movement of the marginalised As an activist of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), Nandini Oza lived and Worked among the people affected by the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) for over a decade. Having participated in the movement and documented its oral history through the voices of its leaders, she felt it...
More »Lessons the country can learn from Odisha -Amar Patnaik
-The New Indian Express Once a beleaguered backward region, Odisha now boasts of effective governance in partnership with panchayati raj institutions and uses a community-based response strategy towards combating crises Odisha, a state averred by many as one of the poorest in the country, has set an example for the nation, be it by becoming the first city in the country to achieve clean drinking water from the tap in the city...
More »Parliament is abdicating its oversight role -MR Madhavan
-The Hindu The monsoon session which has ended is another example of Parliament being quite ineffective in all its functions The monsoon session of Parliament which ended on Wednesday was a disappointment in several ways. This was the fourth straight session that ended ahead of the original schedule — other than the cancelled winter 2020 session. This meant that many important issues had not been discussed such as the COVID-19 response and...
More »Modinomics’ Legacy ― Labour Traffic Now Flows From Factories to Farms -MK Venu
-TheWire.in The ‘vikas’ train has begun to chug the wrong way, as it were. A worrisome aspect of the Indian economy is reflected in the share of employment in agriculture dramatically rising from 42.5% of the total employed in 2018-19 to 45.6% in 2019-20. This may signify an unusually large movement of labour from industry or services sectors to agriculture. The total number of persons employed in India varies between 400 million and...
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