-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Delhi government has filed a criminal case in the Patiala House courts here against two Hindi channels and one English channel for telecasting videos that have been found to be doctored, a government source said. The channels had telecast videos of JNU students, including Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid and Anirban BhAttacharya, at an event to commemorate Parliament Attack convict Afzal Guru's execution on February 9 on the...
For bargadars, land is now labour lost -Smita Gupta
-The Hindu A systematic attempt is being made in several West Bengal districts to evict sharecroppers from land, despite the legal protection West Medinipur: At Jamirarah village, Srikanta Hansda points to two double-storey houses in the shadow of which his home — a rough mud dwelling with an asbestos clerestory roof — squats: “Those are the homes of the Ghosh family. They own Annapurna Bhandar, a well-known grocery store in Medinipur city...
More »It’s 2016, and Indian journalists are still not ‘free’
-Hindustan Times "Most of the movement in the World Press Freedom Index… is indicative of a climate of fear and tension combined with increasing control over newsrooms by governments and private-sector interests." - the RSF website India has ranked abysmally low at 133 among 180 countries in the latest annual World Press Freedom Index which says Prime Minister Narendra Modi seems “indifferent” to the threats against journalists. The rankings, which are released annually, are...
More »Explained: What tiger numbers really say -Jay Mazoomdaar
-The Indian Express No, the tiger is not out of the woods. If numbers presented ahead of last week’s global tiger meet in New Delhi showed minor gains due to better counting methods, they also revealed massive losses. On April 11, a day before ministers of 13 tiger range countries assembled in New Delhi to pledge support for the big cat, a statement by the WWF-International and Global Tiger Forum claimed...
More »A bitter sugar story -Girish Kuber
-The Indian Express In Maharashtra, where the sugar industry and politics are twined, drought is a manmade disaster Rains fall from the sky, but drought is “made” on the ground, at least in Maharashtra. The prevailing water crisis in the state is not about the unavailability of water resources. It’s all about criminal mismanagement of available resources. For the record: Yes, rains were deficient last year. In regions like Marathwada, which is facing...
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