-The Times of India The Supreme Court, which relentlessly strove to bring to book perpetrators of the fake encounter killings of Sohrabuddin and Tulsiram Prajapati in Gujarat, has an explosive situation on its hands as the National Human Rights Commission informed it that 191 fake encounter killings took place in the country in the last five years. Appalled by the attitude of the Manipur government in responding to over 1,500 alleged fake...
Wake up and smell the ink -Markandey Katju
-The Hindu The Leveson report on the British press should jolt the Indian media into acting against ills such as paid news, and focus on being an agent of progressive social change After an inquiry lasting a year, Lord Justice Leveson has delivered a damning verdict on the decades of “outrageous” behaviour by the media. If anything, this verdict would apply in even greater force to a large section (not all) of...
More »Supreme Court issues directions to curb sexual harassment of women in public transport
-The Times of India Laying down stringent procedures to curb and punish harassment of women in public transport, the Supreme Court has ordered that in the event of a complaint of a woman, the bus driver must immediately drive the vehicle to the nearest police station. If the driver fails to do so, authorities must cancel his permit to ply. This is part of a series of directions issued on Friday by...
More »Editors call for media regulation after arrest of Zee News journalists
-CNN-IBN The arrest of two editors of Zee News Sudhir Chaudhary and Samir Ahluwalia has ignited the debate over whether there is a need for regulation of the media. Talking to IBN18 Editor-in-Chief Rajdeep Sardesai, editors called for regulation of the media. Press Council Chairman Justice Markandey Katju says Zee's licence should be suspended if charges are found true. "If there are 40 out of 48 representatives of the media in the...
More »India ranks 78th in guaranteeing access to civil justice; Lanka outperforms S Asian peers
-The Indian Express India ranks 78th among 97 countries in guaranteeing access to all civil justice, a latest report released today said, while its neighbouring country Sri Lanka leads the South Asian nations in most dimensions of the rule of law. The 'Rule of Law Index 2012' report by World Justice Project's provides country-by-country scores and rankings for eight areas of the rule of law. India, the report said, has a robust system...
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