Eight cases of diversion of funds released under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA were reported last year, including three from Uttar Pradesh, the Lok Sabha was informed today. Two cases from Manipur and one each from Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh were reported, Minister of State for Rural Development Pradeep Jain said in a written reply. Replying to another question about the details of irregularities committed under the scheme and action taken, Jain said...
More bang for the buck from Non-NREGA work
Public employment created by non-NREGA public works may just be giving more bang for the buck than NREGA, around a fourth more going by the findings of the NSS survey on employment in 2007-08. In which case, the finance minister would do well to keep the spending for NREGA under check. According to the NSS 2007-08, a total of 477 million mandays of work were created under non-NREGA public works and...
More »Plug the hole in the bucket by Santosh Mehrotra
Thanks to the Right to Information Act, 2005, and also the activism of NGOs and of the media, a culture of accountability is growing in the country. That is the good news. However, the media, NGOs and RTI activists can only do so much. They can focus the attention of the public and parliamentarians on egregious scams, but rarely address the systemic flaws that result in leakage of funds. We have...
More »Employment of women under MGNREGS
As per reports received from the States participation of women who got employed under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is 50% during the current year (2010-11) so far which is well above the minimum prescribed under the Act. The participation by women under the Act was 48% each during 2008-09 and 2009-10. Para 6 of Schedule-II of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA provides that priority shall be given to women in such a way...
More »Walking the fiscal tightrope by Laura Papi & James P Walsh
With India growing faster than almost every other large economy, the government is right to address its long-run challenges. The push for investment in infrastructure is bearing fruit and the expansion of social programmes such as the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) and the Right to Education Act (RTE) is spreading the benefits of growth across the population. But just as improved infrastructure doesn’t eliminate all traffic jams, rapid growth...
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