-The Hindu The journalist who first wrote the story with the ‘15,000 Gujarati pilgrims' claim says his source for the figure was Anil Baluni, the BJP's spokesperson in Haldwani in Uttarakhand. For three days running, there was no reaction from the Bharatiya Janata Party to reports that the Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, had evacuated ‘15,000 Gujaratis' from Uttarakhand in the course of a two-day visit to the hill State. But with...
India gets ready to roll out cyber snooping agency -Sandeep Joshi
-The Hindu National Cyber Coordination Centre will give law enforcement agencies access to all Internet accounts Indians using the Internet might be worried over the U.S. spy agencies snooping into their accounts and online data, but the government has set the ball rolling for creating its own multi-agency body - National Cyber Coordination Centre (NCCC) - that would carry out "real-time assessment of cyber security threats" and "generate actionable reports/alerts for proactive...
More »Dr. Sugata Mitra, Education researcher speaking with Pratigyan Das
-The Times of India Education researcher Sugata Mitra has won 2013's million-dollar Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) Prize with his 'Hole in the Wall' experiment, showing slum children learning to work a computer and teaching each other minus adult supervision. Speaking with Pratigyan Das, Mitra discussed the dynamics of this venture in India, the radical potential it offers - and how our educational system apparently persists in trying to produce clerks for...
More »Young bloggers catalyse Dhaka protests-Sreelata Menon
-The Hoot Bangladeshis all over the world were able to mount a flash campaign against a war tribunal verdict. SREELATA MENON says this proves once again the power of social media. Digital activism is today a handy tool in the instant spread of ideas, thoughts and actual happenings in real time that can influence millions of minds in a matter of a few simple minutes. It is as handy in kicking...
More »Ania Loomba, Professor at University of Pennsylvania interviewed by Niharika Mandhana
-The New York Times Blog On March 23, when students and prominent Indians meet at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for the India Economic Forum, one person will be conspicuous by his absence: Narendra Modi. The chief minister of Gujarat was invited to join the conference via Skype to discuss Gujarat’s development model, but student organizers of the annual conference withdrew their invitation on Sunday after a few University...
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