-The Hindu Chennai: Out of 1,550 persons screened for diabetes in a few rural pockets in the city's western suburbs, 78 persons (5 per cent) were detected with diabetes, 191 (12.3 per cent) with high blood pressure and 202 (13 per cent) with high cholesterol levels. Among the 78 diabetics - 36 men and 42 women - eight were aged between 20 and 30. Persons in the age group of 20 to 82...
Stress, booze worst stroke triggers -Durgesh Nandan Jha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Stress and alcohol are the primary immediate triggers for stroke in Indian men but sexual activity could also set-off the life-threatening condition, a cross-sectional survey of patients conducted by AIIMS has found. The survey, conducted on 290 stroke patients (210 men and 80 women) who visited the department of neurology from March 2012 to May 2013, showed that certain high-risk activities had triggered the stroke in...
More »The EU flexes its muscles on caste-Arvind Sivaramakrishnan
-The Hindu The practices concerned are most widespread in South Asia and in South Asian diasporas. The European Parliament's recent resolution circumvents India's contention that caste oppression does not constitute racial discrimination. On October 10, the 766 members of the European Parliament, who represent just over half-a-billion people in 28-member-states, passed a historic resolution recognising caste-based discrimination and discrimination based on work and descent as a violation of human rights and an...
More »'Food, Glorious Food'-Anuradha Sajjanhar
-The Business Standard India has to come to terms with a growing obesity problem that is rapidly becoming a crisis Obesity, an epidemic often thought to be exclusive to wealthy countries, is becoming a rapidly growing crisis for India. The National Family Health Survey of 2006 revealed that roughly one in four urban Indians was overweight or obese, and several more recent studies indicate that these numbers are increasing. A new study...
More »Underweight and Stunted Children: The Indian Paradox -R Nithya
-Newsclick.in Recent studies have shown that even as India fares better than many developing regions of the world on several indicators of growth and development such as GDP, per capita, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), literacy, life expectancy, etc., the number of malnourished children in India is significantly high. What explains this paradox? The Union Cabinet recently approved a multi-sectoral nutritional programme proposed by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to reduce...
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