-Scroll.in The RBI had first flagged serious lapses in the bank’s Governance in 2018. The Centre invested Rs 250 crore with private lender Yes Bank in the financial year 2019-’20 even though the Reserve Bank of India had deemed the bank as risky in 2018, shows the financial statement of the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund. The investment in Yes Bank Fixed Deposit Receipts was made even as Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman last...
UN Food Systems Summit: The Battle Over Global Food and Agriculture Governance -Oakland Institute
-Press release by Oakland Institute dated 21st September, 2021 Oakland, CA: The Food Systems Summit, hosted by the United Nations, has been reduced to a day-long virtual event on September 23, 2021 — a result of an unprecedented counter mobilization around the world. Hijacked by proponents of corporate industrial agriculture, the summit faced a united front from farmers, civil society groups, and social movements around the world, who rejected and mobilized...
More »Hindi gains ground via a demographic shift -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu 10 States with the most Hindi speakers account for 46.5% of India’s population When the Centre launched its NIPUN Bharat scheme to improve foundational literacy and numeracy among primary school students in July 2021, participants from non-Hindi speaking States complained that they were the ones left feeling illiterate as they could not understand either the speeches, nor the PowerPoint presentations on the scheme, all made in formal Hindi. A month...
More »National helpline for migrant and informal workers launched by civil society organisations
-Press statement by Working Peoples Charter (WPC) and Aajeevika Bureau dated 18th September, 2021 The Working Peoples Charter (WPC), along with Aajeevika Bureau, launched the National Helpline for workers on September 18, 2021, at the Press Club in Mumbai. The helpline, known as the India Labourline, has been operational since July 16, 2021, and has its headquarters in Mumbai. In the last two months, the helpline has received 2497 calls and provided...
More »‘Where is the development, where are the services?’: Patricia Mukhim -Sanjoy Hazarika
-The Hindu A troubled Meghalaya will see unrest growing until 2023, when the next elections are due, says the editor of ‘The Shillong Times’, Patricia Mukhim On August 13, an ailing former leader of an armed group was shot dead in the middle of the night at his home in Shillong by a police team. The incident led to unrest in Mawlai where the encounter occurred and resonated in the adjoining neighbourhoods...
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