-The Hindu Hunger Watch-2 finds income dip and hunger, despite no national lockdown. India’s second wave that didn’t see a national lockdown like in the first failed to significantly alleviate economic distress and hunger among the poor, according to a survey of 6,500 respondents in 14 States. The survey, Hunger Watch–2, was commissioned by the Right To Food Campaign and The Centre for Equity Studies from December–2021 to January 2022 to evaluate economic...
79% of Indian households experienced ‘food insecurity’ last year, shows survey
-Scroll.in The ‘Hunger Watch’ survey, conducted across 14 states, calculated ‘food insecurity’ based on a scale developed by UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. A total of 79% of Indian households across 14 states which responded to the second “Hunger Watch” survey reported some form of “food insecurity” in 2021. As much as 25% of the families said that that they faced “severe food insecurity”, the survey report released on Wednesday showed. The survey...
More »Social Sector Given Short Shrift in Budget -Rashme Sehgal
-Newsclick.in Major budgetary allocation cuts in crucial schemes for women, children and vulnerable sections are indicative of the government’s lopsided priorities. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s budget has helped reinforce one home truth -- that India is divided into the salaried section and a vast underbelly, including the middle class who have been edged into poverty due to job losses suffered during the COVID pandemic. Coming out of the pandemic’s ‘third wave’, issues of...
More »Budget 2022: Lowest sections of our society who suffered most are not yet part of recovery story -Ashwini Kulkarni
-The Free Press Journal Today’s budget speech of the Finance Minister was more about Government’s intentions, intentions for a long term horizon like 25 years and little on this years’ specific plans. There is an oft-spoken phrase – where there is a will there's a way. If the policies of a Government is its Will then the Budget is meant to give the Way by providing the means with funds. Today’s budget...
More »NREGA Sangharsh Morcha demands a hike in MGNREGA Budget for FY 2022-23
-Press release by NREGA Sangharsh Morcha dated 30 January, 2022 The stress on the economy became evident, especially in the aftermath of the raging pandemic from the 7.3% contraction in GDP in 2020-21. The distress faced by poorer households has continued over a period of time with the pandemic acting as a catalyst in increasing the woes of such households. In a latest round of survey conducted by People’s Research on...
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