-The Indian Express Last week, Chief Minister arvind kejriwal had said, “The schools will not be allowed to loot students like they used to do under previous governments due to political collusion. But if they don’t implement, we will take them over as a last resort. I hope we don’t have to take over.” New Delhi: Even as the Delhi government’s proposal to take over 449 private unaided schools “as a...
All Delhiites can get free surgeries at private hospitals -Alok K N Mishra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Residents of Delhi who are unable to have surgeries at any government hospital in the city can now get free surgery in 48 private hospitals without having to worry about huge bills. The bills, for which no upper limit has been set, will be paid by the Delhi government. "We lay emphasis on health and education, there will be no dearth of funds for this...
More »The spectre of unemployment -Raghavan Srinivasan
-The Hindu Sans quality jobs, ‘aspirational young India’ will become ‘angry young India’ The government – and Paytm – may not agree, but there are some downsides to the rising digitisation and connectivity. One is an unleashing of aspirations. Everyone wants not just what Bengal’s leftists used to contemptuously dismiss as components of the middle-class Indian dream — gaadi, baadi, chaakri (car, home, job) — but a whole lot of other things....
More »How Delhi Government Schools Are Revamping Their Approach to Education -Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar
-TheWire.in While the transformation is gradual, Delhi’s government schools have come a long way in improving their infrastructure and quality of education. New Delhi: CBSE Class 12 results were announced on May 28 and Delhi’s deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia took no time to tweet about the city’s government schools performing better than private schools for the second year in a row. He tweeted, “Last year Delhi government schools had 2% better...
More »Govt clears decks for paper trails in all EVMs
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The government cleared the decks for a fully paper trail-based parliamentary poll on Wednesday, with the Union Cabinet approving release of funds to the Election Commission for procuring 16.15 lakh voter verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT) units in time for the 2019 general election. The expenditure of Rs 3,173 crore on the VVPATs will be split over two financial years, 2017-18 and 2018-19. If the EC...
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