-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Reserve Bank of India, market regulator Sebi and the Gujarat government today petitioned the Supreme Court to modify its earlier order restricting the use of Aadhaar cards to a handful of schemes. In separate applications, the petitioners requested that authorities be allowed to demand the production of Aadhaar cards for all services, social welfare schemes and securities transactions. Else, they argued, the precluded schemes would be affected. The...
Sustainable development summit: No caste in SDGs, Dalits want UN to rectify ‘critical lapse’ -Kavitha Iyer
-The Indian Express Various Dalit rights groups have gathered in New York over the weekend to demand that the lapse be addressed by at least ensuring that the caste is recognised in the list of “indicators”, which will be used to monitor the implementation of the SDGs. New York: While inclusive development is one of the principles written into the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the member nations at the...
More »HC slams Maharashtra, stays police’s sedition circular -Swati Deshpande
-The Times of India MUMBAI: "I hope this is not the beginning of things," said justice V M Kanade as a bench of the Bombay high court on Tuesday stayed the implementation of a controversial Marathi circular issued by the BJP-led state government on pre-conditions to be followed by police while registering sedition cases. Justices Kanade and Shalini Phnasalkar Joshi perused the circular and said, "How can these kinds of circulars...
More »Five SC Orders Later, Aadhaar Requirement Continues to Haunt Many -Kedar Nagarajan
-TheWire.in New Delhi: Despite five Supreme Court orders since September 2013 stating that the Aadhaar card cannot be a mandatory requirement for access to government services or subsidies, the reality on the ground continues to remain very different. The point was underlined at a press conference in Delhi yesterday where, besides lawyers and experts, a resident of Yamuna Khadar, Delhi described how he was denied emergency treatment in two public hospitals...
More »Is the Aadhar Card Compulsory? It’s Not Yet Clear -Upasana Garnaik and Surabhi Shukla
-TheWire.in “It is not mandatory for a citizen to obtain an Aadhar card”, stated the Supreme Court on the 11th of August, 2015. The court was considering whether the Constitution guarantees a right to privacy and whether the Aadhar card scheme infringes such right. While the state argued that the legal position regarding the existence of the fundamental right to privacy is “doubtful”, the petitioners submitted that “it is too late...
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