-Hindustan Times Chief ministers of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Odisha will participate in the virtual launch from Bihar’s Telihar village. New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a massive rural public works scheme, the Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan, on Saturday to create jobs for millions of migrant workers who returned home during the coronavirus pandemic. PM Modi launched the scheme worth Rs 50,000 crore through video conference in presence...
55 journalists were targeted for reporting on Covid pandemic, says Delhi think tank report -Taran Deol
-ThePrint.in The RRAG report listed states and cases that were registered against journalists for their stories on PPE shortage, food distribution and alleged corruption among others. New Delhi: As many as 55 journalists have been targeted for covering the pandemic in India between 25 March, when lockdown was first imposed, and 31 May, a report by Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) released Monday says. Journalists faced arrest, registration of FIRs, summons or...
More »SWAN’s third report outlines the perpetual plight of migrants in terms of food shortage, income insecurity and travel difficulties during the lockdown
On June 5th this year, the Stranded Workers Action Network, comprising volunteers from various civil society groups, academics and students enrolled in university education, released its third report entitled ‘To Leave or Not to Leave? Lockdown, Migrant Workers, and Their Journeys Home’. Among other things, the latest report states that nearly four-fifth of migrant workers (out of 5,911) who called SWAN volunteers for help (altogether 821 distress calls were made)...
More »NHRC seeks reports from 8 States on 15 deaths after police action -Damini Nath
-The Hindu Owing to COVID-19 lockdown and limited Access to courts, their families have very limited recourse to seek justice, says CHRI The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has asked for action taken reports from the authorities of eight States, where 15 people died following police action in the first month or so of the lockdown, according to the proceedings in the cases. The NHRC acted on a May 16 complaint by the...
More »Digital divide may turn shift to online classes operational nightmare, warn experts
-PTI/ The Indian Express As per official statistics, there are over 35 crore students in the country. However, it is not clear as to how many of them have Access to digital devices and Internet. From virtual classes to open-book exams, the coronavirus pandemic may have forced classroom learning online but the digital divide in the country may turn it into an “operational nightmare”, experts have warned. Suicide by a Kerala schoolgirl allegedly...
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