-The Hindu Ask BJP leaders to withdraw the three farm Bills, say Rakesh Tikait and Medha Patkar. Secular and pro-farmer votes in West Bengal should not get split, leaders of the Samyukt Kisan Morcha and civil rights activists who have been campaigning in the State for the past three days, said on Sunday. Rakesh Tikait of the Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) and social activist Medha Patkar campaigned in Nandigram, Singur and Kolkata...
Jharkhand migrant worker walks 7 months to get home -Animesh Bisoee
-The Telegraph Jobless in lockdown, 54-year-old who speaks only Santhali started journey from Delhi in August Jamshedpur: Of the tens of thousands of hapless migrant workers who had set out to walk hundreds of miles home after the lockdown was announced, one reached his village on Saturday. Berjom Bamda Pahadiya arrived home at Amarbitha in Sahebganj district of Jharkhand on March 13 after a seven-month trudge from Delhi, 1,200km away, showing remarkable resilience...
More »Census data may decide Food subsidy
-The Hindu A NITI Aayog paper has recommended reduction in National Food Security Act coverage. Once the new census data is available, the Centre may consider revising the number of people who get subsidised foodgrains under the National Food Security Act, Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey said on Friday. He insisted there is no proposal under consideration as yet, but said the Food Ministry was having conversations on a NITI Aayog paper on...
More »NITI Aayog's Proposal to Cut Food Subsidies Will Worsen India's Rising Hunger Problem -Sujata Gothoskar
-TheWire.in A number of indicators have shown that India is still reeling under the adverse impact of lockdowns and job losses necessitated by the pandemic. Any cut in Food subsidies will push millions into starvation. On February 28, 2021, it was widely reported that Niti Aayog put out a paper arguing for lowering coverage in Food security law in order to cut the subsidy bill. The paper prescribes curtailment of Food subsidy...
More »Why We Don't Know How Much Land Women Own -Pranab R Choudhury
-IndiaSpend.com National datasets differ on women's land rights because they use different criteria in their calculations. Bhubaneswar: There are wide variations in national datasets on women's land ownership in India depending on which agency made the estimate, frustrating efforts to design and implement gender-balanced policies, our analysis shows. National datasets differ on women's land rights (WLR) because they use different criteria in their calculations. Some estimates include only agricultural land, others include homestead...
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