-IANS The land acquisition bill was on Thursday tabled in the Lok Sabha amidst chaos with the opposition parties demanding a statement from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the depreciation of the rupee against the dollar. As the house resumed following an hour-long adjournment, Union rural development minister Jairam Ramesh introduced the land acquisition and rehabilitation bill to be taken up for consideration. The members of various Political parties continued demanding that the...
Debate and pass the Food Bill
-The Hindu The National Food Security Bill (NFSB) has been derailed yet again in the past few days due to continuous disruptions of Parliament. The Congress Party made an ill-advised attempt to pass the bill on August 20, Rajiv Gandhi's birth anniversary. Sure enough, the opposition parties went out of their way to scuttle this move and fell over each other to disrupt the Lok Sabha that day. This is only...
More »UPA to bring changes in food bill for wider acceptance in Parliament-Gargi Parsai
-The Hindu The UPA government has decided to bring amendments to the National Food Security Bill to help secure more support for the "game changer" legislation in Parliament. The government may move some of the changes proposed by other Political parties, such as the DMK, the BJP and the Left parties, as official amendments. At a meeting of senior Cabinet ministers convened by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday, it was decided that...
More »Activists meet PM to protest against RTI amendments -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: With the Right to Information (RTI) act slated for consideration in the Parliament this week concerned activists including Aruna Roy met PM Manmohan Singh to press for the deeper examination of the bill. The activists under the aegis of the National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) including Anjali Bharadwaj and Nikhil Dey also submitted one lakh signatures to a petition seeking deferring the amendments. The...
More »UP lost Rs 1,400 crore to illegal mining, CAG says -Shailvee Sharda
-The Times of India LUCKNOW: Illegal mining in Uttar Pradesh between 2005-11 caused a loss of Rs 1,400 crore to the exchequer, says a draft report of the comptroller & auditor general. The report, prepared on the activities of state geology and mining directorate, belies state government's claims on checking illegal mining and indicates that illegal mining is widespread. It reveals several procedural gaps in legal quarrying as well. The auditors, who...
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