-The Indian Express The Dalit villagers alleged that the attacks followed an order by the pradhan, Pramod Rana, at a panchayat in the Gujjar-dominated village. Baghpat: FORTY-EIGHT hours after members of the Gujjar community attacked two Dalit teenagers of Kamala village in Baghpat, about a third of its Dalit homes stood deserted. All the young women had been sent away “as precaution”. Akash Khondwal, 19, a BA student, is on ventilator support...
How Punjab's paddy & Maharashtra's sugarcane are emptying irrigation reserves -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Paddy and sugarcane are India’s most water-guzzling crops — using up over half of the country’s total irrigation water resources — but procurement policies and water and power subsidies are skewing profitability and distorting crop decisions, says a recent study done by agricultural economist Ashok Gulati, and Gayathri Mohan. It has been published as a working paper by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER). The ICRIER...
More »Tomatoes bring Tears to Kolar farmers this poll season
-The New Indian Express At Rs. 80 per crate of 15kg, tomato is threatening to bring Tears in the eyes in this poll season for the farmers in this drought prone district. KOLAR: Waiting for his truck load of tomatoes unloaded at the Kolar Agricutlure Produce Market Committee(APMC) yard, one of the largest in Asia, is worried despite harvesting a bumper crop. As the price for the day is announced disappointment is...
More »Karnataka is serving hot cooked meals to mothers but caste is coming in the way -Nayantara Narayanan
-Scroll.in The state launched the Mathru Poorna scheme in October 2017. It has had some early success but faces stiff challenges. Anganwadi Centre Six in Sathegala village is airy and clean. The government-run crèche is also well equipped for the Mathru Poorna scheme. Launched in October last year as part of Karnataka government’s initiatives to combat hunger and malnutrition, the scheme offers freshly cooked meals to all pregnant and lactating women...
More »Turning crop residue into useful products -Jaideep Deo Bhanj
-The Hindu Project will be on display at IIT-Delhi’s Open House To come up with a solution to deal with air pollution in the Capital during the winter due to stubble burning, Kriya Labs, a start-up incubated at the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi has come up with a method to convert agro-waste into pulp that can be used to make bioethanol, paper and tableware. Biodegradable The Team, led by Professor Neetu Singh, said farmers...
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