-The Hindu With little cash in hand, small traders and shopkeepers are unable to keep their businesses running Surendar’s move from Bihar to Perambalur in the heart of Tamil Nadu in search of a livelihood has turned sour over the past few days. A school dropout, Surendar, who made a living selling pani-poori from a cart in this town, has seen his business plummet since the November 8 demonetisation announcement. “Everyone brings...
In the Long Term Indians Might Lose Faith in Cash and Turn Towards Gold -Ravinder Kaur
-TheWire.in The spectacle of ‘fixing’ India’s illegal economy is not only harming common citizens but also turning small investors away from financial markets. Depending on who is talking, the demonetisation of higher value currency notes by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has either been described by commentators as a ‘bold move’, ‘landmark policy’, ‘game-changer’ and even a ‘political masterstroke’ or has been labelled the single most high-risk political gamble undertaken since the...
More »Paytm making hay
-The Hindu Riding on this wave, the mobile wallet major expects to process transactions worth Rs.24,000 crore by the end of this year. New Delhi: Paytm, India’s largest mobile payments company and an e-commerce platform, has said that post demonetisation of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes, it has touched a record five million transactions a day, against Rs.2.5-3 million transactions earlier. With Banks and ATMs unable to meet a high demand for new currency,...
More »13 Ways In Which Indians Will Convert Their Black Money Into White Even After Demonetisation -Shivam Vij
-HuffingtonPost.com As the poor struggle, black money owners are finding a variety of ways to save their wealth. In Pali in Rajasthan, a family couldn't take their ill infant to the hospital because the ambulance wouldn't accept Rs 500 or 1,000 notes. By the time they could get someone to give them Rs 100 notes, the newborn had died. This is one of several such deaths after the government de-legalised Rs 500...
More »Motive behind demonetisation is justifiable but there may be collateral damage
There are reports from all over the country that the recent decision by the government to demonetise currency notes of Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1000/- denomination has affected everyone. However the consequence of this financial measure is lopsided and it will be mainly borne by the farmers, informal sector workers, women and the financially excluded. Please check the links/ urls below this news alert to know everything about demonetisation. Till a few...
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