-The Economic Times The CBI, which had on Saturday registered a case under section 302 of the IPC in the murder of Bhopal-based RTI activist Shehla Masood, is expected to question, among others, BJP Rajya Sabha MP Tarun Vijay and party MLA Dhruv Narayan Singh, as part of its investigation. The investigating agency's Bhopal unit, which had taken over the case after the Centre forwarded to it a request to that...
MGNREGA recast to focus on welfare by Urmi A Goswami
The government will recast the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, to give it a welfare edge, following criticism that it was disconnected from people's concern over corruption, high food prices and inflation. The attempt will be to make it more responsive to people's needs and increase earnings of the rural poor. The reform attempts to make the scheme truly demand-based, besides addressing issues of fraud, misuse of funds, corruption...
More »Information Martyr by Chandrani Banerjee
Shehla Masood had to die because the state couldn’t protect her Shehla Masood’s worst fears came to pass on August 16: she was shot dead in front of her house in Bhopal at around 11 am. An RTI activist who had taken up a variety of issues, from good governance, transparency and police reforms to tiger Conservation, and who had been collecting evidence using the RTI Act since 2005, she...
More »Death of an activist. Murder or suicide? by Priyanka Dubey
SHEHLA MASOOD’S eventful life was brutally cut short on 16 August, when her body was found in the front seat of her car. A fierce wildlife Conservationist and RTI activist, 38-year-old Shehla was also a flamboyant socialite of Bhopal. The murder in broad daylight outside her bungalow in the posh Koh-e-Fiza area sent ripples across the otherwise peaceful city. With the state media jumping from one conclusion to another and...
More »Mystery behind Shehla Masood's murder deepens by Hemender Sharma
The mystery behind the murder of RTI activist Shehla Masood is deepening by the day. CNN-IBN has accessed letters written by Shehla to the Union Environmental Minister Jayanti Natrajan against illegal diamond mining in Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh. Phone records available also show that someone from Uganda was trying to get in touch with her hours after she was killed. The letter from Shehla to Jayanti Natrajan was written as recently...
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