Dispute over payment of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act ( NREGA) scheme on Tuesday led to bloodshed in Murshidabad's Domkal the home turf of state panchayat minister Anisur Rahman. The tiff over the trivial issue took one life and left one injured speaking volumes for the underlying tension in the rural pockets of Bengal where political rivals have become used to settling all disputes with arms. On Tuesday morning, CPM-backed goons...
Turning Agriculture From Problem to Solution by Mantoe Phakathi
Global agriculture contributes in the region of 17 percent to the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, but according to the World Bank, climate smart agriculture techniques can both reduce emissions and meet the challenge of producing enough food for a growing world population."As much as agriculture is part of the problem, it is also part of the solution," said Inger Anderson, the World Bank's vice president on sustainable...
More »Dr MS Swaminathan, NAC member and the father of India's Green Revolution interviewed by Rupashree Nanda
Dr MS Swaminathan, NAC member and the father of India's green revolution talks to Rupashree Nanda on the food security legislation, the neglect in creating storage infrastructure and ideas like outsourcing food security issues. Rupashree Nanda: The main reason for the NAC climb down from the promised universal PDS to targeted PDS was the stated non - availability of foodgrains. Would you agree to that argument? Isn't there is not enough...
More »Grameen founder Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh aid probe by Ethirajan Anbarasan
Norway says it is examining reports that Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus allegedly diverted millions of dollars of aid money from a bank. International Development Minister Erik Solheim said that it was "totally unacceptable that aid is used for other purposes than intended". A documentary maker has alleged that cash was diverted from Professor Yunus' Grameen Bank to other parts of Grameen. In a statement, the bank said that the allegations were false. It...
More »India maintains high growth rate
India's economy grew faster than expected in the second quarter of its financial year, figures show. In the three months to September, gross domestic product (GDP) was up 8.9% from the same period last year. However, inflation remains a real concern for authorities with new figures showing prices rising by 9.7% in October. Although only the world's 11th biggest economy, India is the second fastest-growing major economy, behind China. Strong farm production, increased vehicle...
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