-The Hindu Ranchi: Late Tuesday morning, Malo Devi, a farmer at Manatu, 20 km from Ranchi, carried her infant grandson Gautam Mahto in her arms across the fields behind her house and had just set him down on a flat rock under a tree, before she started gathering dry leaves for fuel, when she heard a whizzing sound. Three-year-old Gautam lay bleeding, hit in the left leg by a stray bullet...
Don’t rush with cash transfers as it needs preparation-Ajay Chhibber & K Seeta Prabhu
-The Economic Times Cash transfer in various forms has been used in many countries to target support to the poor and achieve social objectives. In India, its introduction has generated more passion than rational debate. The scheme is not a magic bullet, but if properly implemented and targeted, cash transfer is a very sensible instrument of social assistance. In India, the rationale for introducing the scheme seems to be to check...
More »Under Supreme Court’s nose, conspiracy hatched to destroy 2G case-Shalini Singh
-The Hindu Tapes suggest prosecutor, accused and star witness colluded to vitiate SC directions to CBI The exposure of an apparent conspiracy between the CBI prosecutor in the 2G scam investigation, A.K. Singh, and the accused Unitech Managing Director, Sanjay Chandra, could have grave consequences since it reveals a deliberate attempt to pull the wool over the Supreme Court’s eyes under whose supervision the entire investigation and prosecution has been occurring since...
More »SC fumes over sex tests, female foeticide
-IANS The Supreme Court Tuesday expressed its concern over the deteriorating sex ratio and chided state governments over their failure to check sex determination clinics and punish law violators fuelling female foeticide. "People have a belief that if they don't have a male child they will go to narak (hell)", the court said, asking "where is this narak"? The Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention) Act, 1994, bans determination of the sex of...
More »Karat talks of stand ‘so far’ -JP Yadav
-The Telegraph CPM general secretary Prakash Karat today backed Sitaram Yechury’s virtual endorsement of Afzal Guru’s execution but appeared to leave room for manoeuvre, saying that was his party’s stand “so far”. The hint of a possible review came as the party found itself isolated within the wider Left fraternity, with both the CPI and the CPI-ML (Liberation) taking a different stand. “Since many of us (politburo members) are out of Delhi, we...
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