-The Hindu A well recharge pit was also dug for harvesting the rains Appiyampatti, a small hamlet in Dindugal district of Tamil Nadu, is one among the several villages in the state which has been facing a severe drought for the past over five years. Even during such a critical phase when several farmers left farming and started moving out in search of alternative work Mr. V.Chellamutu remained anchored in the village to...
Worrisome Trends in Agriculture -Sruthisagar Yamunan and Ajai Sreevatsan
-The Hindu Low output and land fragmentation are critical issues, says survey Tamil Nadu: The writing on the wall for Tamil Nadu in agriculture is pretty clear, though the State's grain production during 2013-14 was good. The latest Economic Appraisal of the government has shown that Tamil Nadu needs out-of-the-box policies to tackle agriculture production and its impact on food inflation. The State did well in 2013-14 to bounce back from a nightmare drought...
More »India’s groundwater drops to critical levels -Neeta Lal
-The Third Pole Cities and villages in India will soon run out of potable water if current trends continue, warns senior water official India's groundwater tables are plunging at an alarming rate with reserves in some states dwindling to critical levels, according to the latest report from the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) - the apex body under the Ministry of Water Resources. Over 16% of the country's groundwater resources are ‘over-exploited' -...
More »Dr. Mickey Chopra, global head of UNICEF’s health programmes interviewed by R Prasad
-The Hindu Dr. Mickey Chopra, global head of UNICEF's health programmes explained to R. Prasad why he was very encouraged by the efforts taken by the government to reduce child mortality, and how these efforts are paying off, especially in States like Bihar. * How is India doing as far as meeting the MDG 4 target is concerned? India is changing very quickly. We are seeing very encouraging signs... we are starting to...
More »India climbs eight ranks in Hunger Index
-The Business Standard Successful roll-out of MGNREGA and PDS helped India get a better rank India has improved its position in the Global Hunger Index. The country climbed eight positions in the index from 63 last year to 55 this year, though it still trails nations like Malawi, Ghana and Suriname. A significant reduction in the number of underweight children as well as the successful roll-out and expansion of programmes like the Mahatma...
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