-Deccan Chronicle As per the CM’s dashboard, the average wage achieved across the state is 86.18 per cent, and average days achieved is 62.92 per cent Vijayawada: The state government is examining the mode of MGNREGA payments and also investigating the reasons behind the delay of payments to the workers. It is observed by the chief secretary that five districts have paid more towards material components. The state government is worried about...
Will the Budget stimulate farmers' income? -Devinder Sharma
-The Tribune The farmer is crying for structural change to make the agriculture sector vibrant so that it serves as a pivot for revival of the rural economy, thereby creating employment opportunities for the youth, says Devinder Sharma After two consecutive years of back-to-back bumper harvest in 2016 and 2017, prices for almost all the crops had crashed forcing the farmers to dump their produce onto the streets at many a places....
More »Upma meal a day for college and job -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Children below five years in India who receive good nutrition are likelier to complete college education, find jobs and remain unmarried in their early 20s, researchers said on Friday. The health researchers, who surveyed a group of adults who had received a daily corn-soya blend upma meal when they were children, say their findings show how nutritional intervention during early childhood can influence long-term outcomes in education and...
More »Forced formalisation is not healthy -C Rammanohar Reddy
-Business Standard The large informal sector is a consequence - not a cause - of the low level of development For decades, one of the central aims of economic policy in India has been to create conditions for workers to move from low- to high-income employment. This has usually implied a shift from the informal sector where productivity is low, to the formal sector where productivity is high. This process of “formalisation”...
More »Pranab Bardhan, professor of graduate school in the department of economics at the University of California (Berkeley), interviewed by Devadeep Purohit (The Telegraph)
-The Telegraph The Left in Bengal had often criticised him whenever he red-flagged excessive local tyranny, and spoke about the industrial decline in Bengal. The incumbent ruling party may make tall claims about changes in Bengal since the Trinamul government came to power but he has been candid enough to suggest that he hasn't seen much change either in industrial expansion or in investment in infrastructure. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has...
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