-The Hindu Business Line Bengaluru: A total of about Rs. 900 crore has been sanctioned by the Union Ministry of Urban Development and an amount of about Rs. 700 crore has been released to States/UTs based on proposals received under Swachh Bharat Mission during 2014-15. Implementation of the Mission is expected to pick up momentum from the current financial year onwards. Gujarat leads the states in implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission during 2014-15....
Flush With Success -Nisha Ponthathil
-Tehelka Shamefully, in India, a large percentage of the population still defecates in the open. However, a village in Tamil Nadu has scripted a rare success story by becoming an Open Defecation-Free Village. Nisha Ponthathil documents how the people of Amarambedu near Chennai triumphed over habit with a little help from the civil society Twenty-nine-year-old R Karthick, a resident of Amarambedu village, situated about 65 kilometres away from Tamil Nadu's capital Chennai,...
More »Seven years ago, everyone saw Delhi’s air take a deadly U-turn but no one did a thing -Pritha Chatterjee & Aniruddha Ghosal
-The Indian Express The way the graph moves tells the story of a public health disaster that has been allowed to happen: over the last 15 years, the fall and rise of the lethal, fine dust that clogs your lungs every day in the nation's capital. After the historic Supreme Court judgement in 1998 forced all public transport vehicles, an estimated 100,000, to switch to cleaner Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), the levels...
More »Prime Minister wants housing target met -Smriti Kak Ramachandran
-The Hindu Orders fresh survey on shortfall in urban areas Prime Minister Narendra Modi does not want one of his pet projects - "Housing for All by 2022" - to miss its target. Mr. Modi has asked for a fresh survey to ascertain the exact housing shortfall in urban areas. The government has announced Construction of two crore houses annually to meet the target, but Mr. Modi, who is monitoring the scheme, has instructed...
More »New AIIMS: Quantity, not quality? -Rema Nagarajan
-The Times of India It has become fashionable to announce the setting up of new AIIMS or AIIMS-like institutes in every annual union budget. After the first six were announced in 2006, finance minister Arun Jaitley announced the setting up of four more in the last budget and another six in the current one, taking the total number to 16, not counting the original one in Delhi. While announcing new AIIMS...
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