-The Hindu The matter was raised during Question Hour in the Rajya Sabha to which the Health Minister, JP Nadda, could only promise that he would issue an advisory. New Delhi: Parliamentarians across party lines on Tuesday demanded that the mysteries of what one MP, KTS Tulsi, termed “the great Indian spit” be revealed through a scientific study. He held the view that the Indian habit of spitting was the cause of many...
Pulses and cereals are key worries in inflation -Ishan Kumar Bakshi & Indivjal Dhasmana
-Business Standard The latest bout of retail inflation was caused by vegetables, but prices of these items are not as worrisome as those of pulses The latest bout of Consumer Price Index (CPI)-based inflation was caused by vegetables, but prices of these items are not as worrisome as those of pulses, which saw a slight moderation in June. Besides, inflation in cereals has been rising modestly, but if not checked this could...
More »Eligible beneficiaries dropped from pension list in Rajasthan
It was a Rashomon moment for the readers of the First Common Review Mission report when they heard activists complaining about the pension system of Rajasthan during a recent press conference held in the capital. The First Common Review Mission (CRM) report, which was prepared during the month of May this year by a team of 32 experts had observed that pension related payments under the National Social Assistance Programmes (NSAP)...
More »328 children below 5 die of diarrhoea daily: Govt -Sushmi Dey
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Around 328 children under 5 years of age die of diarrhoea every day, latest assessment by the health ministry shows. This has prompted the ministry to intensify its diarrhoea control programme to reach out to over 10 crore children with ORS solution this year from 6.3 crore last year. Estimates show that over 1.2 lakh children less than five years of age succumb to diarrhoea every...
More »MP: Farmers at loss as rain hits soybean crop, re-sowing a must -Manoj Ahuja
-Hindustan Times Indore: Soybean crop has been affected for the third consecutive year in Madhya Pradesh as excessive rain in Satna, Rewa and Bhopal regions will necessitate re-sowing once the water recedes, an agriculture expert said. Madhya Pradesh is the top producer of soybean in the country and accounts for 53% of its production, according to government statistics. “Farmers will have to go for re-sowing wherever there has been water logging in fields...
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