-PTI Maharashtra Government today tabled the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report, which allegedly indicts senior politicians from the state, in the Legislative Assembly amidst demand for a probe by PWD Minister Chhagan Bhujbal into its "leak". Making a personal clarification after the report was tabled by deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, Bhujbal described the leak as a "conspiracy to malign individuals" and sought a probe, saying excerpts of the report that...
The Centre for Science and Environment has extended its deadline for media fellowships 2012. If you have interest in environmental issues please go through the enclosed notification from the CSE and apply for the media fellowships. Terms and conditions are given below and can also be found on the CSE website (http://www.cseindia.org/). For any clarification or more information please email or phone Papia Samajdar, or Souparno Banerjee at souparno@cseindia.org / 9910864339. The...
More »Green panel's nod must for relief in Karnataka Mining ban: Supreme Court-Sanjay K Singh
The Supreme Court on Friday said that it will not relax its order banning Mining operations in Karnataka unless recommended by its green panel - Central Empowered Committee. The court also asked iron ore Mining companies to complete the clean-up and land reclamation if they want the ban to be lifted. However, the court accepted the recommendations of the panel pitching for continuation of limited Mining operations by the state-owned National...
More »SC: Implement reclamation, rehabilitation plans for mines-J Venkatesan
The Supreme Court on Friday accepted the report of the Central Empowered Committee and directed the implementation of reclamation and rehabilitation plans for all three categories of mines in the districts of Bellary, Chitradurga and Tumkur in Karnataka. Implementing plans A three-judge Bench of Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia, Justice Aftab Alam and Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan said that the R and R plans should start immediately. The Bench said: “It is made clear...
More »Parks, sanctuaries on Mining no-go list soon-Nitin Sethi
A panel set up to review norms for no-go areas that will protect certain areas from commercial activity is likely to recommend Mining should be disallowed in all national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in the country. Sources in the government told TOI that the committee, headed by the Union environment and forests secretary, is likely to close the debate over no-go areas as it is not inclined to reassess protected areas...
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