-The Hindu Signalling an end to the practice in rural Maharashtra of naming a girl child Nakusha (unwanted), especially if the family was expecting the birth of a boy, the authorities will “rename” 266 such girls as Aishwarya (Wealth) on Saturday. “The Government has identified 266 girls named Nakusha in Satara district and organised a renaming ceremony tomorrow [On Saturday],” Satara District Collector N. Ramaswami told PTI over telephone. The function has been...
Climate Solutions Need Strong Decision-Making by Kanya D'Almeida
The year 2010 endured 950 natural disasters, 90 percent of which were weather-related and cost the global community well over 130 billion dollars. From wildfires in Brazil to record rainfall in the United States to the severe drought and famine in the Horn of Africa, it has become clear to many that quick and radical decisions need to be made about the world's future. One of the biggest advocates of this position...
More »Judiciary on the wrong side of RTI by Ashish Tripathi
Resistance to disclosure is a phenomenon that is confined not only to the executive. here have been instances where the judiciary has also shown that much of intransigence to the Right to Information Act. It is no wonder that the Chief Justice of India S H Kapadia once said at a function that sunlight is a great disinfectant, but too much of it can burn one as well. Interestingly, in June...
More »G20 backs India on black money hunt by Vrishti Beniwal
India on Saturday managed to get backing of the world’s 19 most powerful economies on the issue of sharing tax information, as the G20’s draft communiqué for the first time took note of New Delhi's concerns. The draft, however, remained silent on recovery of ill-gotten Wealth stashed in tax havens. The draft communiqué, to be issued by G20 finance ministers and central bank governors later on Saturday, has resolved to address...
More »Exclusive: Where do we take our dead and go, ask Dalits by Yogesh Pawar
If pain had a face, it could be Narayan Sonawane’s. The 45-year-old Dalit farmer keeps scratching a shaving wound on his face till it bleeds, and makes him flinch. The pain, perhaps, momentarily takes his mind off the gruesome reality outside his hut — a seven acre plot that used to be a Dalit cremation ground until a year ago. In June 2010, it was usurped by upper caste Maratha farmer...
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