-The Hindu On a day of fast-paced developments, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday reached out to the fasting anti-corruption crusader, Anna Hazare, with a new formula to break the log-jam on the contours of the proposed Lokpal institution: a debate in Parliament over his proposals with a promise to refer the sense of the House to the Standing Committee for its consideration. This was followed by an extraordinary gesture from...
Team Anna Hazare should not try to impose its will either on Constitution or Parliament: Somnath Chatterjee
-The Economic Times At the time of writing, efforts are on to find an amicable solution to the Jan Lokpal Bill agitation and let us hope that a satisfactory solution will be found to deal with the very serious malady of corruption. I appeal to Anna Hazare to break his fast as the nation can't take any risk with the condition of his health. Corruption in high places is undoubtedly a matter...
More »Note placed by CPI(M) at all-party meeting on the issue of Lokpal
-The Hindu Following is the note placed by the CPI(M) at the all-party meeting held by the Government on the issue of the Lokpal today. August 24, 2011 Stand of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) Lokpal: For An Effective Anti-Corruption Body Introduction Corruption has become a major public concern in the wake of successive scams unfolding over the past few years. In a country like India, where millions of people still suffer from acute poverty,...
More »Dalits to rally for Bahujan Lokpal Bill
-The Hindustan Times Dalits, backward castes and minorities came together against Team Anna’s Jan Lokpal Bill on Wednesday. They held a rally from India Gate that grid-locked peak hour traffic, proposing a Bahujan Lokpal Bill. “We will draft the Bahujan Lokpal Bill within two to three days and submit it to the Parliamentary standing committee,” Udit Raj, chairman of the All-India Confederation of SC/ST Organisations, said. “We want our representative in the...
More »Lokpal logjam: PM walks extra mile, Anna Hazare unmoved by Himanshi Dhawan
Hopes of a resolution to the Anna-government standoff flickered from time to time on Thursday but eventually it remained unclear when the Gandhian would call off his 10-day fast. The eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation was continuing till midnight. The Prime Minister first raised hopes by offering to bring the Jan Lokpal Bill, as drafted by Team Anna, for discussion in Parliament. But this was rebuffed by Anna Hazare who insisted on an assurance...
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