-The Hindu The Suryanelli case in Kerala cast its lengthening shadow over the Congress on Thursday, with the rape victim’s mother asking party president Sonia Gandhi to act against Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman P. J. Kurien, whom she places at the heart of the 40-day-long nightmare her daughter underwent 17 years ago — a crime for which not one of the 42 accused persons has been punished to date. The woman...
Caste violence prompts Bihar to close SC/ST hostels -Santosh Singh
-The Indian Express Patna: Upset over frequent reports of tension and clash between students belonging to different castes, the Bihar government plans to dismantle its SC/ ST, OBC and minority hostels in a phased manner. On January 29, more than 25 students of the Saidpur hostel under Patna University attacked students of Bhimrao Ambedkar Welfare hostel. The clash resulted in three students getting injured. The Welfare hostel, run by the SC/ST Welfare...
More »Supreme Court directs Centre to hold meeting with States on sale of acid-J Venkatesan
-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Wednesday directed the Centre to convene a meeting of chief secretaries of all States and Union Territories in six weeks for evolving a consensus in regard to the regulation of sale of acid in the States/Union Territories to prevent acid attacks. A three-Judge bench of Justices R.M. Lodha, J. Chelameswar and Madan B. Lokur gave this direction to the Additional Solicitor General Mohan Parasaran who submitted...
More »Students, teachers protest visit, are lathicharged
-The Hindustan Times As Sri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) extended the red carpet to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, the Left faction of Delhi University (DU) rose in protest. SRCC had invited Modi to deliver the keynote speech at their undergraduate management festival. The invitation sparked an outrage with hundreds of students and teachers gathering to protest his visit near the SRCC College gates with party flags and...
More »Three Dalit men murdered in apparent case of honour killing -Alok Deshpande
-The Hindu One of them fell in love with an upper caste girl, whose father is one of the accused. The police are yet to file a chargesheet in the case. Malegaon (Nashik): The first day of this year took Maharashtra down to a new low. Adding to the growing list of atrocities against Dalits, three young men were killed, allegedly by a mob of upper caste men to keep their family’s...
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