Khap panchayats of Haryana, which have already warned Bollywood actor Aamir Khan against portraying them in 'poor light' and demanded his show Satyamev Jayte be taken off air, have now summoned a meeting of all village khaps of the state. The Sarv Khap Panchayat has been called to decide the course of action to be taken against the film star and respond to his attempts of maligning the Khaps and intruding...
Caste Hindus raise objection to admission of dalit boys in school-AD Balasubramaniyan
Officials intervene and restore amity Caste Hindus of Adayur village near Tiruvannamalai opposed the admission of two dalit boys in the local Panchayat Union Middle School on Monday and prevented their children from attending school in protest. The caste Hindu students returned to school in the afternoon after a peace meeting convened by Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) V. Bupathi, officials said. Till now, the dalits used to send their children to the Adi...
More »A lesson in rural schooling for state-Antara Bose
Jamshedpur, June 10: For a people who have clung to next-door Bengal for healthcare for years, setting up a self-run school — English medium, no less — may well be just another way out of elusive state welfare measures. The 700-odd population of 19 villages that make up Gopalpur panchayat, 80km from Jamshedpur in East Singhbhum’s rebel-hit Baharagora block, have made up its mind to do just that. The primary schools, at...
More »Rural job scheme gets hi-tech makeover in Tamil Nadu-R Vasundara
CHENNAI: Government officials in Tamil Nadu can now sit in their air-conditioned offices and keep tabs on clogged up water bodies and channels in remote villages using satellite technology. Criticized by many for corruption and inefficiency, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) has been given a scientific make-over in the state with GIS (geographic information system) mapping being used to organize the works as well as to...
More »Childhood in shreds by Bindu Shajan Perappadan
The latest NCPCR survey report reveals large-scale child labour in Bt cotton production; asks stakeholders to prepare an action plan to eliminate it Forced to work for 14-hours at a stretch and even carry pesticides on their back, the plight children engaged as child labour in the Bt cotton production has often gone unnoticed, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has said in its latest survey report. To rescue...
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