Many scandals have surfaced recently, which highlight the immaturity of India’s economic development model. India lurched somewhat reluctantly into the economic reform process nearly two decades ago. If China has been on the path for the last 33 years, the fact is that we have been at it for 20 years, too. This is a good a time to assess whether we are making sufficient progress along the many dimensions...
UN: global unemployment stubbornly high at 205 mn
As world leaders and wealthy business executives prepared to mingle and chat at the World Economic Forum , U.N. figures revealed Tuesday that 205 million people were unemployed last year in the wake of the financial crisis and that little improvement was expected in 2011. The International Labor Organization said the number of jobless worldwide held steady last year and is forecast to dip less than 1 per cent this year...
More »'1.72 million children die before age one in India'
A 'savage preference for males' leads to the killing of 7 lakh girls by their parents in the mother's womb each year in India, according to a National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) member. NHRC member Satyabrata Pal also said that 25 percent of the children who see the light of day are underweight at birth, and 1.72 million children die before they turn one. 'The UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) fears 2,000...
More »World's baby No. 7 billion could be born in UP by Rema Nagarajan
In the midst of all the handwringing over population explosion in the country, the Indian government might miss preparing for a global record-setting event — the birth of the baby that would take the population of planet earth to the seven billion mark. The momentous birth is projected to happen towards the October or November. But what's that got to do with India? Well, we just happen to be the country...
More »Emerging Nations Tackle Food Costs by Eric Bellman and Alex Frangos
Fast-growing emerging nations are taking increasingly aggressive actions to beat back rising food prices as they grow more worried of threats to stability if prices don't start to retreat. Developing-market governments have unveiled a laundry list of measures—including price caps, export bans and rules to counter commodity speculation—to keep food costs from disrupting their economies as price spikes that some had hoped were temporary have stretched into the new year. Some...
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