-Zee News The family of RTI activist and India Against Corruption's Madhya Pradesh chapter head Shehla Masood, who was killed here last month, feels the probe into the case would have acquired more urgency had Anna Hazare and his associates "raised the issue the way they should have". "I cannot say why after saying a few lines initially, no member of Team Anna raised the issue the way they should have....
Audit MPs’ performance: Anna by Sarang Dastane
Anna Hazare isn't taking his eyes off Parliament yet and his next campaign, announced on Saturday, will demand annual performance audits of MPs, right to recall elected representatives, right to reject candidates contesting elections and mandatory approval of gram sabha before acquiring any land. "Hazare will send the letter shortly and seek Prime Minister's views on these three vital issues", said Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal, who briefed the media after...
More »RTI activist gets threat from Mulund inspector by Alok Deshpande
In the wake of the recent killing of an RTI activist in Bhopal, another case of an RTI activist getting threats has come to light in Mumbai. Interestingly, this time a senior police inspector of Navghar police station in Mulund could come under the scanner. Ankur Patil, a Mulund based RTI activist who has been collecting information under the RTI Act against the corrupt elected representatives (DNA story “Netas with corruption...
More »Chances of corrupt public servants being caught and punished very less by Bibek Debroy
The Lokpal legislation, in whatever form, will not be the only law we have on corruption. Apart from statutes on prohibition of benami transactions and prevention of money laundering, there is the IPC (Indian Penal Code). Under Sections 169 and 409 of IPC, depending on the offence, public servants can face imprisonment (from two years to life) and fines. This wasn't enough of a deterrent and after Bofors, we had...
More »N Murali: Double standards on display at Hindu
-The Times of India It is known to most media watchers that Kasturi & Sons Ltd, the company that publishes The Hindu, is caught in a bitter family feud. N Murali, who recently retired as managing director of the company, wrote a farewell letter to the employees of the company, lamenting that the Hindu's rich tradition of credibility, objectivity, balance and editorial primacy had of late been compromised. Later, in an...
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