-The Economic Times While attention has been riveted on illegal mining in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, thanks to the Supreme Court-ordered probe into the activities of key players, environmental activists and political parties have now turned their gaze to Congresscontrolled Goa. The western coastal state, which has rich deposits of iron ore, has now turned alive with charges of a Rs 8,000-crore mining scam. Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat's role, which has...
1 in 5 Mumbaikars below poverty line by Linah Baliga
Twenty percent of people in the country's most populous city are below the poverty line (BPL). For Mumbai's population of about 1.25 crore, that means 25 lakh BPL people. This makes the number of those living in abject poverty in the city 4 lakh more than the population of say Nashik. The BPL figure comes from a survey carried out by the BMC in 2005-06 . The criterion was an income...
More »The Union Cabinet gets healthier by P Sainath
The worse off the poor become, the healthier our Ministers get. Air India might not be doing as well we'd like it to. But the braveheart who flew it fearlessly into dense clouds of debt is doing okay. Praful Patel (who no longer holds the aviation portfolio) added, on average, over half a million rupees every day to his assets in 28 months between May 2009 and August 2011. This might...
More »India faces new epidemic with 60 million people morbidly obese by Robin Pagnamenta
India's economy may have been booming in recent years but so have the waistlines of those enjoying such dramatic growth. As a result a country more usually associated with famine is facing an unexpected epidemic with 5 per cent of population 60 million people -- now morbidly obese. This has kept bariatric (weight loss) surgeons such as Muffazal Lakdawala busy fitting gastric bands and stitching stomach bypasses for India's political and business...
More »Women Hung Out to Dry in Global Labour Market by Kanya D'Almeida
Amid policy battles over food production, energy resources and economic decline, one untapped natural resource that is guaranteed to boost production on a global scale has been stubbornly overlooked – the power of women in the labour force. According to the World Bank's 2012 World Development Report (WDR) "Gender Equality and Development", ensuring equal access for women farmers would increase maize yields by 11 to 16 percent in Malawi and 17...
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