-The Business Standard Most key functions now handled by the finance ministry and other govt departments When Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently extended a Rs 8,000-crore central support for building roads in Jammu & Kashmir, Union Cabinet's approval for the big-ticket announcement came in barely 48 hours. Unlike in the past, the proposal did not get stuck in the corridors of the Planning Commission, a Nehruvian-era body. The Commission, which occupied the centre...
In the greater scheme of things -Rohini Somanathan
-The Indian Express Recent announcements on possible changes to the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and restrictions on its coverage are baffling and worrisome. The passing of the MGNREGA and the Right to Information Act heralded a new vision of citizenship and state responsibility. The former created a safety net for the rural poor. The latter gave taxpayers and voters an opportunity to bridge the gap between state...
More »Why This Attack on MGNREGA?
-Economic and Political Weekly One knows who will suffer if the Narendra Modi government succeeds in weakening MGNREGA. The largest public employment programme the world has ever seen is in trouble. In 2013-14, 74 million individuals in 48 million households in rural India were employed under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act programme (or MGNREGA as it is called), with each household on average finding work for 46 days. This...
More »Now, a scam in organic farming -Mayank Aggarwal
-DNA Activists want PM Narendra Modi to investigate manipulation of land data New Delhi: Delhi's total geographical area is around 1.48 lakh hectares and if government's own data - National Project on Organic Farming (NPOF) - is to be believed, over 1 lakh hectare was brought under organic farming. Considering Delhi's population and spread of residential areas, the figures look unbelievable, especially when data points that the very next year the area...
More »Experts concerned over water consuming crops, climate change
-PTI Chandigarh: Experts at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) meeting on agriculture here today raised concern over high water consuming crops after the advent of green revolution. They pitched in favour low water consuming, heat-resistant high-production crops. On the second day of the session on impending food crisis of the world due to explosion of population, they stressed on finalising a blueprint to enhance agriculture production by at least 50 per cent by...
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