-The Indian Express When a Delhi couple went to get their marriage registered at the office of the Kapashera sub-divisional magistrate on Tuesday morning, their request was turned down. They were told they lacked an eligibility criterion — they did not have Aadhaar cards. An order, which came into effect on January 1, clearly states that “the Aadhaar card information of applicants should be mentioned in the prescribed application forms for registration...
Crossing a red line
-The Business Standard News TV's martial music drowns out its responsibilities It should go without saying that the media has a role in informing and educating a citizenry about the issues of the day, providing background, context and holding the powerful to account. A case study in how not to go about this is currently being provided by the electronic media in its coverage of recent raids and counter-raids on the Line...
More »A platform of, by and for the connected-Rahul Verma and Pradeep Chhibber
-The Indian Express Increasing frequency and intensity of protests reflect a deeper crisis in Indian democracy: the failure of civil society In the last five years, citizens have poured out in large numbers at Jantar Mantar and India Gate (and in many other parts of the country) to ask the state to hear their demands. In 2006, marches and sit-ins forced the state to re-examine the Jessica Lal and Priyadarshini Mattoo cases....
More »Why the young are different-Ved Kumari
-The Indian Express The juvenile justice system should aim to reform, rather than punish, offenders The anguish and anger evoked by the sheer brutality of the gangrape in Delhi has led to the demand that the accused be subject to the most severe punishment. Voices have been raised seeking the death penalty and chemical or physical castration. As one of the accused is below 18 years of age and cannot be “punished”...
More »Dy Tehsildar on Dhule riot duty finds son ‘shot dead by cops’-Zeeshan Shaikh
-The Indian Express Dhule: For 33 years, Deputy Tehsildar Abdul Halim Ansari worked for the state, never doubting that it was largely fair, just and honest towards all citizens. That perception changed on Sunday, after his 30-year-old son died before his eyes, allegedly gunned down by the orders of the same administration that he has served all his life. Ansari, 58, believes that the police shot his son in cold blood. He...
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